Photo: James Rojas / WBZ News Radio
BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - On Tuesday the MBTA announced it will no longer require passengers to wear masks. While no longer required, MBTA officials are still encouraging wearing a mask while on public transit, per CDC recommendations.
On Wednesday morning, a handful of passengers were still wearing masks.
"I'm honestly kind of surprised I thought it would stay longer on public transportation. I think a lot of people appreciate it because if someone is sick, it's a small enclosed space." Emily said.
Among those who appreciate the recommendation to keep your mask on is Kurtis from Brighton. His 15 year-old daughter is currently recovering from a kidney transplant.
"Yeah I have immunocompromised people and I work in a building as a concierge and you would not believe how many people are immunocompromised. I have transplants, I'm doing cancer, those people out there, they may sitting next to me on the bus." He told WBZ's James Rojas.
The change already hit Logan Airport, as marathon tourists and vacation week travelers made their way through the airport. The mask mandate was dropped there on Monday, after a federal ruling in Florida voided the CDC's mandate that would have required face coverings on mass transportation for two more weeks.
Amtrak is also no longer requiring masks on trains. Uber and Lyft also announced they’re doing away with their mandates.
“Eighty percent of the people in Massachusetts are vaccinated,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Among those over the age of 65, it’s more like 95% of the people are fully vaccinated. We now have therapies we didn’t have two years ago that actually work.”
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports
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