Photo: Jim MacKay/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — He's known simply as "Tick Man Dan," and he's tackling tick season one tweeze at a time.
"Ticks are pretty persistent," Dan Wolff told WBZ NewsRadio's Jim MacKay. "Ticks tend to wander around the body, they usually get you down low."
Wolff founded TickEase, Inc. with the hopes of providing the greater Boston area with effective tools and solutions to remove and repel ticks. One of the creations in his tool-box is a dual-purpose tweezer-like tick removal device, for humans and dogs.
It's only the beginning of tick season in Massachusetts, with the first bites happening in April. The season typically lasts through August, with a second season occurring between October and November. According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the majority of cases of tick-borne disease, like Lyme disease, occur in June through August and are most frequently diagnosed in children and older adults.
Tick Man Dan said about 50 percent of ticks in our area carry Lyme disease.
His best advice? Always check your entire body for the tiny creatures, including your hairline, feet and crevices of yourself and your pets.
WBZ NewsRadio's Jim Mackay (@JimMackayOnAir) reports
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