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BARNSTABLE, Mass. (WBZNewsRadio) - Jacqueline Rutkowski-Murgia started noticing problems with her car as soon as she up filled her tank at Cape Cod Farms Gas Station in Dennis last month.
Now, her car is still being fixed, and she's staring down the business end of a $4,500 repair job, after finding out her 2019 Range Rover was mistakenly filled up with Diesel -- and she's not the only driver who got the wrong fuel. Rutkowski-Murgia told WBZ's Tim Dunn a mechanic finally connected the dots about the source of her car troubles.
"I called the Barnstable Weights and Measures department, and that's what spurred on an investigation."
An inspector found that in April, Brown Bear Transportation accidentally pumped 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the premium tank -- and 400 gallons of premium into the diesel tank at Cape Cod Farms gas station.
"You go to the pump and you already know you're paying a hefty price for fuel, so to have to pay an even bigger price for an unknown issue that occurred underground is quite an event," she said.
Rutkowski-Murgia said she's been in contact with Brown Bear and Cape Cod Farms, hoping to be reimbursed for the damage to her car. It's still how many drivers were affected by the mishap.
Cape Cod Farms declined to comment on the matter.
WBZ's Tim Dunn (@ConsiderMeDunn) reports
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