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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Following an investigation into sexual misconduct, Boston school officials have voted to shutter the Mission Hill K-8 School in Jamaica Plain permanently.
The Boston School Committee voted to close the school Thursday evening, with five members in favor of the closure. One member abstained and another was absent.
Superintendent Brenda Cassellius had previously recommended closing the school, and said this was the best option given the years of sexual abuse and bullying among students at the school.
School officials say the reports of abuse span from kindergarten through sixth grade.
The school will close it's doors after this academic year in June. Boston Public Schools is working with each family of the 200 students enrolled in the school to make sure they have seamless transition to a new school in the fall. As for staff members, those not involved in the case will also get assistance from BPS in finding new employment.
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