Photo: Brooke McCarthy / WBZ News Radio
SWAMPSCOTT (WBZNewsRadio) - The town of Swampscott is trying out a 4-day workweek, a trend that is catching on with many employers across the country.
Town Manager Sean Fitzgerald said the pandemic hasn't been easy on his staff, with long nights, extra work and lots of meetings. On top of that, Fitzgerald says town hall, like many places of work, are also facing a worker shortage.
"We've been really thinking critically how do we really become that employer of choice." He tells WBZ's Brooke McCarthy.
Fitzgerald said he hopes the change will help recruit and retain potential employees and will help existing employees have a better work-life balance and in turn better the community as a whole.
"The idea that each of us has a responsibility to protect our mental health and the mental health of our colleagues." He said. "I love the idea, it's one thing that we can do of many."
And while employees will be physically at their desks one less day a week, there isn't a change in the number of hours worked. Employees will still work a 34-hour week.
The new schedule began May 2 with extended office hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wednesday hours will run from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. The offices are closed on Fridays, but the town says Administrators will be available for any necessary issues that might come up at the end of the week. Fitzgerald said residents will benefit from the longer hours at Town Hall.
WBZ's Brooke McCarthy (@BrookeWBZ) reports
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