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BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - A new study finds Boston is giving New York a run for it's money as 'the city that never sleeps.'
The data comes from researchers at Harmony Health IT, who analyzed Google Trends and identified the most popular sleep-related questions that tired Americans search online.
They found the most sleep-deprived cities were Boston, Las Vegas, Baltimore, Denver and Seattle. The cities getting the most Z's, according to their findings, are Chicago, New York City, Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Antonio.
Of the searches analyzed by Harmony Health IT, the most common query here in Massachusetts was "How to fall asleep." "Insomnia" topped the list nationwide.
There are some interesting takeaways from the data.
Rhode Island residents are aiming for efficiency; "how to fall asleep in one minute" was the most common search there. Vermont residents seem to be really going through it, searching for "what happens if you don't sleep for a day" above all else.
Along with their analysis of Google Trends, researchers spoke with over 1,000 people and found nine out of ten have trouble falling asleep. More than half of participants said they struggle to sleep at least once a week.
And the COVID era hasn't made sleeping any easier. More than one in five said the pandemic has directly impacted their sleep. However, people who work remotely or have hybrid schedules reported getting a lot of extra shut eye during the day. One out of three reported taking naps while working from home.
The CDC says every adult should be getting at least seven hours of sleep a night to stay healthy.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports:
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