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BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - MBTA Police are warning Boston Celtics fans to be careful when purchasing tickets, especially if the secondary seller asks buyers to meet at busy MBTA stations.
Transit police issued an advisory on Monday reminding fans to be cautious.
"Transit Police have taken reports in the past from victims who have purchased counterfeit tickets from secondary sources. Oftentimes the "seller" will arrange to meet the buyer at various MBTA stations, conduct the sale and quickly vanish within the mass of people utilizing the T." Transit Police said. "By the time the buyer realizes the tickets are counterfeit the "seller" is long gone."
Authorities said ticket buyers should guarantee authenticity by purchasing tickets directly through legitimate/authorized outlets.
If you have any information of people selling counterfeit tickets on the MBTA please contact their Criminal Investigation Unit at 617-222-1050 or send an anonymous tip via text to 873873 or via the SeeSay app. If you have information of people selling counterfeit tickets within the City of Boston please call Boston Police Department.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports
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