Photo: Getty Images
BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - There have been at least three incidents of students assaulting other students at Boston Public Schools using school-issued Chromebook laptops.
One student needed stitches after being hit in the head with the technology a few weeks ago.
It does not appear the school department reported the alleged assaults to police. Boston Police tell WBZ News Radio, it was parents who filed police reports after the attacks.
Superintendent of Boston Public Schools, Brenda Casselius told reporters, the school calls police only when "it rises to that level when students are engaged in activity that we believe that they should be called."
Boston Police no longer patrol school hallways as of last fall, instead the administration uses school safety officers within schools. BPS also works directly with the school unit of the Boston Police department.
Despite a number of recent incidents at BPS, including a student at McKinley Middle School allegedly throwing a cup of boiling noodles on their teacher, violence in classrooms has not increased.
"The data overall does not show an increase over previous years." Mayor Michelle Wu said.
WBZ's Karyn Regal (@KarynRegal) reports
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