Photo: Brooke McCarthy/WBZ NewsRadio
DANVERS (WBZ NewsRadio) — Built in 1868, it was the grandest train station in all of Danvers, and now pieces of the Plains Train Station will be used as conference tables.
It's all thanks to a group of Danvers High School seniors who wanted to save the pieces of their town's history. The 154-year-old station served as the town's center of rail traffic during the 19th and 20th centuries.
"It's bigger than just saving the station, it's just memories people have with it," senior Connor Horn told WBZ NewsRadio's Brooke McCarthy. "I remember my Nana telling me stories about how it used to go by her house and she used to see the people on it when she was a little kid. So I thought, why not save this?"
The group wanted to move or reimagine the building, but that could cost roughly a $1 million. So, they came up with a plan to create three conference tables from train station wood to ensure it has a place in the town’s future.
One of the conference tables will be placed outside the school's auditorium along with a "Danvers Depot" sign, with photos of the station at it's height of popularity and use. The other two will be given to the town and Townsend Energy.
Next year's senior class will get to work in the fall. This year's graduating class said they're not just passing down the project to the next year's seniors, but leaving their mark on the town and it's history.
WBZ's Brooke McCarthy (@BrookeWBZ) reports
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