Photo: Mike Macklin / WBZ News Radio
QUINCY (WBZNewsRadio) - Also known as the "City of Presidents", Quincy hosted a memorial day parade and it's annual observance ceremony on Monday.
The day began with a parade from the Quincy Credit Union, down Hancock street, through Quincy Center, and ending at Mount Wollaston Cemetery.
"Remember those that did come home." Mayor Thomas Koch said. "They came back and built our country, they were our teachers and our coaches and our volunteer leaders in so many ways. Many of them buried here before us. We thank them for their service. There were those that never made it home. More than 7,000 missing in action in Korea and more than 1,500 in Vietnam, we remember them and we honor them here today."
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Nick Lavery was the guest speaker for the ceremony. The active-duty member of the United States Army Special Forces lost his leg serving in Afghanistan. The Quincy native called on those in attendees to never forget those who served and sacrificed to ensure our freedom.
Lavery is the recipient of the Silver Star, three Purple Hearts, two Bronze Stars, a Bronze Star with “V” for valor, among commendations.
WBZ's Mike Macklin reports
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