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BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - As we rush to New England beaches this summer, there is now an extra level of protection against sharks lurking in the water.
A marine science team from the University of New England has deployed a shark detection buoy off the coast of southern Maine, a first of it's kind for the state. The buoy will send real-time location data on tagged great white sharks. The detection technology will also connect with similar devices already in use off the coast of Cape Cod.
"We do think that this adds an extra layer of awareness for the local community in particular the life guards so that if a shark is detected they'll have advanced notice to keep an eye out." UNE Assistant Professor John Mohan said.
Mohan says this isn't new for the waters off New England, but by adding the new systems to Maine's coast, researchers will be able to expand the range and get real time notice of tagged white sharks. Researchers believe they may even be able to start looking at temperature related shifts and distribution of different fish as it could relate to climate change as the ecosystem changes.
People can view the local shark activity across New England through an app called "Sharktivity."
WBZ's Brooke McCarthy (@BrookeWBZ) reports
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