Photo: Getty Images
QUINCY (WBZNewsRadio) - A classroom at Atlantic Middle School in Quincy has managed to gather more than 30,000 books, which will soon be donated to a school in Zambia.
It's a passion project for teacher and co-founder of Books 4 Zambia Holly Rendle. Rendle lived in Zambia as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1996, then brought her experience back to her students in on the South Shore.
During a recent visit, Rendle was inspired to start collecting books and supplies for the Siankaba School in a small rural village in southern Zambia.
"I think there was a little bit of divine intervention," she said. "We fell in love with the school and the children and the staff, and we just said 'we've got to do this.'"
Rendle, her students, and community members around Quincy all pitched in, donating books, athletic supplies, and games. And the boxes and boxes of donations won't just benefit the schoolchildren in Siankaba.
"We wanted to provide a village library, because children learn to read when their parents learn to read," Rendle said. "So, we sent it all."
For more information and to donate, visit
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) has more:
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