Photo: Chris Fama / WBZ News Radio
WESTWOOD (WBZNewsRadio) - It's a tradition in Westwood that's simply good, clean, fun.
Westwood's Annual Fireman's Foam event took place this past Wednesday. The summer tradition dates back to sometime in the 1980s, involves dish soap and a couple of water cannons, and is typically held in July at Sheehan Elementary School.
"The second the fire department turned it on, they couldn't help it themselves. They come running!" Joe Bertone, Westwood recreation program manager told WBZ's Chris Fama. "Who doesn't love foam? You get a pile of foam you can't help but play around with it. Put a beard on!"
The event is hosted by Westwood Recreation and Westwood Fire Department.
Again, the foam is made from the same kitchen dish soap you might use as home, mixed with the water from Westwood Fire hoses. It's completely safe for anyone who might want to get in on the squeaky clean fun.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports