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BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - It's been common knowledge for years now, working out is good for you and can lead to a happier and longer life. A new 30 year study published in the American heart Association Journal this week is delivering hard evidence that is the case.
Researchers collected the data of more than 116,000 adults for three decades and found those who exercised anywhere from 150 to 600 minutes a week, lived longer than those who didn't. The World Health Organization currently recommends adults get between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate physical activity, or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week.
WBZ's James Rojas caught up with some Bostonians taking advantage of the beautiful day with an early morning jog.
Daniel from Boston works out on a regular basis and said the study makes sense, and living in a place like Boston, it's easy to incorporate 10 hours of activity in every week.
"It's a small city, it's very walkable, so it makes sense that its very runnable too. We've got a lot bike paths now, we've got the Charles, which my favorite place." He said.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports
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