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SWAMPSCOTT (WBZNewsRadio) - After several recent coyote bites in the Vinnin Square area of Swampscott, a town bylaw against feeding wildlife like coyotes and turkeys could be up for vote at the next town meeting.
Town Administrator Sean Fitzgerald said business owners have been feeding the animals, attracting them to the area and prompting them to be more aggressive.
"So we're working with the business community to really educate them to understand that these good intentions lead to absolutely awful outcomes for the animals." He said. "We have to keep people safe, that's our first priority, public safety. But next to that, we want to make sure that folks really enjoy wildlife."
The town is now distributing flyers to restaurants and other business owners to help residents understand why feeding the wildlife is not only dangerous for us, but also for the animals.
"if you do see animals out during the daytime, those are concerns" Fitzgerald said, "you should contact the animal control officer or the police department."
WBZ's Brooke McCarthy (@BrookeWBZ) reports
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