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SALEM (WBZNewsRadio) - There may not be pumpkins on every corner, but the 'Witch City' is bustling with summer tourists, making Salem feel more like October than July.
"It's been a great summer, we are seeing the return of long haul road trippers, so we're seeing lots of license plates from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Ohio." Kate Fox, with Destination: Salem said.
Aside from the out of town visitors, Salem has been working with the State Office of Travel And Tourism to promote the Witch City as a travel destination for New Englanders worried about the price of gas.
So what is there to see in Salem during the summer? The answer remains the same whether you visit in July, October, or December: People come for the Witches.
"We're the witch city and people are coming because they want to learn about witch trials history from 1692." Fox said. "they're also coming for the Peabody Essex Museum, it has great exhibits both permanent and changing, the House of 7 Gables, the national park and we also have a great dining scene."
WBZ's Carl Stevens (@CarlWBZ) reports
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