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COHASSET, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Police in Cohasset are warning residents to be on high alert after two separate coyote attacks in town that left a man was mauled and a dog dead.
The first attack came on Aug. 27. Police reported that two off-leash dogs were attacked by a pack of seven coyotes on Highland Ave. One of the animals was so badly hurt that it had to be euthanized.
Later that same day, a man walking his dogs along the blue trail in the Whitney Thayer Woods also reported being attacked by a coyote. He too, was walking his dogs off-leash. The man was treated for minor injuries and has been released from the hospital.
"Coyotes are active year-round and we typically see increased activity in the springtime, however, ahead of the winter we also see a lot of coyote activity as they hunt in preparation for the winter months," Natural Resources Officer Josh Kimball wrote in a media release. "To ensure our community members’ safety, we encourage residents to be aware of their surroundings and monitor their animals at all times. Oftentimes, wild animals see smaller pets as potential food and larger pets as competition, so they attack. We encourage residents to not let these animals intimidate you, and if you do encounter a coyote you should scare them away immediately."
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health says you should never feed coyotes and make sure any food they may be able to access, such as pet food, is kept indoors in a secure location. They also recommend securing garbage around homes and businesses.
If you happen to encounter a coyote, Project Coyote recommends trying to scare the animal away, using a technique known as hazing. First, stand your ground. Make eye contact and advance toward the coyote while actively hazing until it retreats. They suggest making loud sounds, and to use light and make exaggerated motions in an assertive and consistent way. If a coyote appears sick or injured, do not attempt to haze it.
Cohasset isn't the only area that has seen coyote attacks this summer. Earlier this year, two people was bitten by coyotes in Swampscott in separate attacks.
WBZ NewsRadio's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports
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