Photo: Courtesy of Town of Stow
STOW, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Town of Stow is letting people know that it's more than just a "Dunkin' Desert."
On Monday, Sept. 12, WBZ NewsRadio's Matt Shearer published a video on Twitter of Stow residents reacting to the closure of the town's two Dunkin' outlets. In the video, one resident told Shearer, "There is nothing fun to do and Dunkin' Donuts was the one place where everyone likes to go." They also said the loss of the two Dunkin' stores was worth moving out of Stow. The video has since gone viral with thousands of retweets and likes and 2.1 million views to date.
Stow has responded to Shearer's video with one of their own. The video, posted on the Stow TV YouTube channel, is a montage focusing on Stow's recreational and cultural activities, history, farms and orchards, Minute Man Air Field, American Heritage Museum, and local businesses which sell coffee and pastries. After asking the question "What's going to happen to Stow without a Dunkin'?" at the start of the video, it concludes with Town Administrator Denise Dembkoski pouring a cup of locally sourced apple cider and saying, "I think we will be OK."
"We all had a smile about Matt’s story," Dembkoski said in a statement. "But anyone who lives in Stow knows it’s a great place to live, work, and play. We want everyone else to know it, too. If Matt would like to come back to Stow, we’d be happy to show him around. And, the coffee’s on us."
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