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BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - Just last Friday, Boston was celebrating with a high of 63 degrees, but this week, we're expecting consistent and sometimes heavy precipitation through out portions of the day.
Rain and snow is expected between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., but mid-to-late afternoon will bring the most substantial amount of precipitation. The good news, by the evening commute, most of the wet weather will be over. Even better news, whatever does accumulate Friday should melt away this weekend with sunshine in the forecast.
It appears I-95 will act as the slushy rain to snow dividing line, with west of I-95 seeing anywhere from 1-to-3 inches of snow. There is a slight possibility some places could see more.
Much of southeastern Massachusetts, including the Cape and Islands will see rain.
Whether you're on the Cape or in Worcester, the roads will be treacherous with the mixture of slush, freezing rain and in some places, snow. MassDOT is more than prepared and has made 3600 pieces of equipment available across the state.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports
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