Photo: See Plymouth
PLYMOUTH, Mass (WBZNewsRadio) - "America's Hometown" is once again offering free rides in all-electric vehicles through Plymouth, starting Memorial Day and running through Thanksgiving.
The on-demand "Ride Circuit" electric cars give both locals and tourists the opportunity to take a ride through the historic district without having to worry about high gas prices.
What's more, the fleet of all-electric vehicles help cut emissions and congestion, along with the harmful effects traffic has on the environment. This year there are three vehicles, including two GEM cars and a Tesla. The Tesla will make direct trips between Plimoth Patuxet Museums and the Plymouth and Brockton Bus Stop behind the Massachusetts Visitor Information Center.
Driver Ambassadors will offer riders friendly tips on their destination and local knowledge, as well as recommendations, a service that got rave reviews last year.
The initiative is funded by the town's Visitor Services Board and administered by the official tourism organization for the community, See Plymouth.
To snag a free ride, potential passengers will simply need to download the Ride Circuit app on your smart phone.
The service starts back up Friday, May 26th, with vehicles running between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. Starting in June, the service will run Thursday through Sunday, with it switching to seven days a week in July and August. In September and October, the vehicles will only run on the weekends. Finally in November, the free riders will only be offered a handful of dates.
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