Photo: Town of Dedham
DEDHAM, Mass. (WBZNewsRadio) - Officials with the Town of Dedham say a missing dog case is highlighting issues with it comes to regulation in the dog business industry.
According to Dedham Animal Control officer Deni Goldman the lack of regulations "seems to be putting out pet dogs in unsafe situations," after a Labradoodle named Lola, went missing after visiting a dog park, under the care of a local dog walking company. Lola and five other dogs were let off-leash during their trip to the dog park, which is against DCR rules.
Lola has been missing for more than a week now. Anyone with any information is encouraged to call Dedham Animal Control at 781-751-9300.
Dedham Animal Control has been involved in several dog incidents over the last four months. These incidents all happened while the animal was in the car of dog business providers such as boarding facilities and dog walking businesses.
“All of these incidents were 100% preventable," said ACO Goldman. “At a minimum, there are two critical steps to combatting this recurring issue. The first is instilling a sense of compliance and responsibility with these business practitioners. The second is educating dog owners on how to ensure the person or business caring for their dog is providing ethical, trained and responsible services.”
In November, ACO Goldman plans to host an information training session at the Dedham Public Safety Building for local businesses within the dog-industry. Goldman will go over tips on dog walking safety, community awareness, local ordinances, and responsible reporting.
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