Brookline Will Plant The Town's First-Ever "Miniature Forest" This Weekend

Volunteers planting tree in urban park

Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images

BROOKLINE, Mass. (WBZNewsRadio) - Brookline hopes to plant the Town's first "miniature forest" this weekend, but they need your help.

Organized by the Brookline Department of Public Works' Parks and Open Space Division and Mothers Out Front, volunteers will gather this coming Sunday to get their hands dirty, planting hundreds of trees and shrubs to support the local ecosystem.

“With so many people in despair about the climate, we are excited about the chance to put our hands in the ground and regenerate the earth” said Olivia Fischer Fox, Brookline Mothers Out Front Tree Team Coordinator.

So-called "Mini-forests" have been popping up around the world, as communities tackle the impacts of climate change and global warming. Many of these green spaces are created based upon research from Japanese Botanist Akira Miyawaki, that found "dense plantings of native tree and shrub seedlings can be as small as two parking spaces and still provide significant benefits."

“By following the Miyawaki Method of reforestation, we’re utilizing planting principles and techniques effective for urban environments with limited open space,” said Alexandra Vecchio, Division of Parks and Open Space Director. “Projects and initiatives such as this not only promote biodiversity and combat climate change but help park visitors build deeper connections to their neighborhood open spaces.”

If you'd like to take part, volunteers will gather Sunday, Oct. 15th, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Brookline Avenue Playground on Brookline Avenue.

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