Photo: DenisTangneyJr / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images
EVERETT, Mass. (WBZNewsRadio) - More than 50 Slot Attendants at Encore Boston Harbor (EBH) will join the ranks of nearly 1,2000 members of UNITE HERE Local 26 and roughly 200 members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 25.
The vote comes after an election by the National Labor Relations Board.
"I'm proud and happy and relieved," said Andrew Zucco, a slot attendant who voted in favor of joining the Union. "The company put a lot of effort into stopping us, but we stayed together and organized for great health insurance and to protect our goals. I feel on top of the world."
Since the casino opened back in 2009, members from both unions have been working hand in hand, governed by the same contract. Earlier this year, the workers were able to ratify a contract giving workers five-star wages, excellent benefits and security just hours before a planned strike. This contract will now apply to the Slot Attendants at EBH.
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