Photo: Madison Rogers for WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Next stop: Screech from the Heavens.
That's the new name for the MBTA's Boylston station, in all its ear-piercing glory, as part of a project from the Boston Public Library's Leventhal Map Center.
Back in December, the Leventhal Center asked patrons and supporters to creatively re-name the MBTA Map.
"We asked people to bid on the rights to rename the stations, and then the winning bidder got to name the station whatever they wanted," said Head Curator Garrett Nelson.
There were some bidding wars, and now the full map has been released.
There were some historical picks, like 'Mel King' as a new name for Government Center. Some people named the stops after themselves or family members.
And, of course, you have the jokesters.
'North Station' is 'South Station' and 'South Station is 'North Station.' Along the green line, there's 'BU,' 'Even More BU,' and 'Seriously, Still More BU?'. 'Harvard Square' is renamed 'Tulane of the North.' 'Arlington is now 'Ahhhhlington.'
The map is displayed in the center as part of its ongoing exhibition 'Getting Around Town: Four Centuries of Mapping Boston in Transit.'
"Like the whole exhibition, we want people to think about how to change the system in the future," said Nelson. "How to make it better, how to make it a central part of the experience of living in Boston."
WBZ NewsRadio’s Madison Rogers (@MadisonWBZ) reports:
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