The Cleanup After Boston's St. Patrick's Day Parade Might Be The Real Star

Photo: Chaiel Schaffel/WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The annual South Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade is one of the busiest events of the year, but the cleanup afterward is an experience within itself. 

“[It was] my sister’s first time witnessing it, and I told her hey listen — the cleanup, it’s so efficient, you gotta watch these guys,” said one South Boston resident. 

The streets after the parade are lined with empty beer cans, bottles, and trash. But it doesn’t stay that way for long. 

Immediately after the parade, street sweepers barrel down the road, followed by trash collectors. 

“Four of these sweepers in a row, followed by two guys unloading the crates and loading it onto the truck followed by four more sweepers to get the outside perimeter — it is so satisfying to watch,” said the resident.

Photo: Chaiel Schaffel/WBZ NewsRadio

With all the hubbub and mess that the parade can create, lots of South Boston locals feel the same way. 

“I always stay until after the parade for the cleanup. It’s like a military operation,” said another resident. 

The cleanup may even rival other major cities that celebrate the holiday in the same rowdy way. 

“[In] New York they leave it on the street for weeks,” said a parade-goer. “But here, we come and it's immediately immaculate.”

In a statement to WBZ NewsRadio, Boston's Department of Public Works said it dedicated "more personnel and pieces of cleaning equipment than previous years."

"We’re proud of our employees' efforts to remove litter from our streets and sidewalks, and we thank everyone who took the time to dispose of their litter properly," the DPW said.

WBZ’s Chaiel Schaffel (@CSchaffelWBZ) reports. 

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