Affordable Internet Access Program For Low-Income Families Is Fading Away

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 BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Several hundreds of thousands of New England customers throughout the New England region may be at risk of losing internet service, as the funding for the Biden administration backed Affordable Connectivity Program could soon be running out as soon as next month.  

Millions of Americans across the country may also be in the same situation unless the program is extended which started in 2021. The federal program is designed to provide low or no-cost internet to low-income households across the nation.  

According to information from The White House, in addition to the $30 per month discount on internet access, participants in the Affordable Connectivity Program can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers.   

WBZ's Drew Moholland (@DrewWBZ) reports. 

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