Photo: Karyn Regal (WBZ)
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A letter from Alexander Hamilton to the Marquis de Lafayette that was previously stolen will be on display at the Commonwealth Museum on July 4th weekend.
The letter, dated July 21, 1780, was written when Hamilton was Aide de Camp to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. Hamilton warned the Marquis of imminent danger to French troops in Rhode Island. It was forwarded to the President of the Massachusetts Council, along with a request for troops to be sent to support French allies.
"It's a glimpse into the relationship between Washington and Hamilton, because obviously for a guy in his early twenties to make this decision was kind of momentous," said Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin. "But also I think it illustrates the confidence that Washington had in Hamilton."
The letter was believed to have been stolen from the Massachusetts State Archives during World War II and was recently returned to the Commonwealth after a lengthy court battle.
It will be displayed alongside the Commonwealth’s original copy of the Declaration of Independence, signed by John Hancock.
WBZ's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports.
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