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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) —Residents and community groups will have the chance to ask some tough questions directly to the leadership of the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association on Thursday night.
President Larry Calderone said no subject will be off limits during the Union's first ever community forum.
"We just want to prove to everyone, we're willing to have open dialogue, have questions asked from the citizens we serve and try to answer those to the best of our ability." Calderone said.
He added, Union leadership knows there's still a lot of anti-police sentiment out there.
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"We understand there's some tension on the street, we understand there's citizens of Boston who believe the police department of Boston is spoiled because we've had some bad apples." Calderone said.
The new leadership team has been motivated by problems they've faced in the past, said Calderone.
The event will be held Thursday at 5:30 PM, live on the BPPA YouTube channel.
WBZ NewsRadio's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) Reports:
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