Animals Rescued From Inhumane Conditions At Middleboro Kennel

Middleboro Animal Rescue

(Kim Tunnicliffe/WBZ NewsRadio)

MIDDELBORO, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A peacock, a donkey, two ducks, a chicken, and nineteen dogs have been seized from a kennel in Middleboro after they were found to be living in inhumane and unsanitary conditions.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), along with Middleboro Police and Animal Control departments, rescued the animals from the breeder's facility, which they said was filthy, poorly-ventilated, and dangerous.

The two dozen animals are now under the ARL's care, and an investigation is underway.

ARL Law Enforcement Officer Paul Parlon said the dogs were living in their own feces and urine, and the smell of ammonia was overwhelming.

"Completely unsanitary, dangerous conditions," Parlon said. "The dogs were reported to have had low oxygen levels due to that. These dogs were stuck in these conditions, and had been living in these conditions for quite some time."

On Friday, ARL staff led some of the animals out to meet the media. Two large Cane Corso dogs gave gentle kisses to their handlers.

Parlon said that, under those squalid conditions, he's surprised the dogs were as docile and friendly as they were.

"A great number of those dogs were more than excited to be out of that facility, even just five feet from it in the grass," he said.

The animals are being cared from by the ARL, which said they will receive medical care and behavioral evaluations before being made available for adoption.

Charges may be pending against the kennel owner.

WBZ NewsRadio's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports

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