April's full 'Pink Moon.'Photo: Charity Southworth
WATERTOWN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Following the eclipse earlier this month, you'd think the moon is done showing off.
But not so.
Astronomy expert Charity Southworth said April is a great month for sky watchers.
The April full moon on the 23rd is called the 'Pink Moon' named after creeping phlox flowers that bloom in the northeast this time of year.
And on top of that, another reason to be looking up into the night sky this month, the Lyrid meteor shower is happening.
Southworth said the two celestial events, the Pink Moon and the Lyrid meteor shower, are connected by occurring together at the same time throughout history for as long as civilizations have been recording astronomical events.
"We'll be able to see some meteors," she said. "But because of the full Pink Moon we won't be able to see as many. There is a good chance of seeing some fireballs which are really bright flashes."
She said the best time to see Lyrid meteors this month is at around 4 a.m. through the end of the month.
WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.
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