Photo: Kim Tunnicliffe/WBZ NewsRadio
ATTLEBORO, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Those heading to the Attleboro Animal Shelter in search of a new dog will be out of luck.
There are no dogs up for adoption at the shelter because they've all already been adopted. Friends of the Attleboro Animal Shelter president Kim Penque told WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe this is the first time in the shelter's history they've had no dogs up for adoption.
"It's different, I've never had to experience this," she said. "I really think that it's more people that are working from home. They have the flexibility to work from home and they're able to spend more time with their dogs."
The shelter does have two dogs in its kennel, but they are both dogs with collars that are waiting to be claimed by their owners. Penque said she sees the lack of dogs up for adoption as a sign the shelter is doing a good job.
"For our little community of dogs that we've housed, it's heartwarming," Penque said. "They're all living in loving homes and we did what we set out to."
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The shelter does still have cats available for adoption. They're in the process of taking in 25 cats from a local hoarding case.
WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports.
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