The Hoppin Hill Reservoir in North Attleboro serves as the drinking water source for the City of Attleboro. It is completely empty as the state's drought continues. Photo: Courtesy Friends of the Ten Mile River Watershed
ATTLEBORO, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The City of Attleboro is announcing a round-the-clock water ban starting next week.
Mayor Paul Heroux told WBZ NewsRadio on Wednesday that the ban would mean — among other things — no watering lawns or flower beds, and no filling up pools. The water situation in Attleboro is becoming increasingly dire as the state's drought continues.
"I'm talking about not having enough water coming out of your faucet to drink, to flush, to put out fires when the fire department shows up... that is a real potential," he said.
Attleboro Mayor Paul Heroux that he would alert residents of the ban by mail next week. A less-restrictive ban was already in place in the city, and the mayor says he now plans to water his own roses with water from his dehumidifier.
All of Massachusetts is in varying states of drought, according to state officials. The worst of the dryness is in Central and Northeastern Mass., where the state says there is a critical drought.
As for the cause of the current drought, Mayor Heroux said climate change is to blame.
"For people who say 'I don't believe in climate change,' well, it's not a religion. It's not Santa, it's not the tooth fairy. You don't 'believe' in climate change, you understand it or you don't. It's a science," he said.
The Town of Pembroke has already declared its own emergency water ban with similar restrictions.
WBZ's Laurie Kirby (@LaurieWBZ) has more:
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