Photo: Madison Rogers/WBZ NewsRadio
DEDHAM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Christina Kincey, a mother of three from Attleboro who is battling two different types of cancer, received a life-changing gift from Stop & Shop on Wednesday.
Christina arrived at the Dedham Stop & Shop thinking she was there for a discussion about the costs of cancer.
But then, the store rolled out a shopping cart piled high with groceries and a big red bow.
“We’d like to offer you a year’s free groceries on behalf of Stop & Shop,” said a store representative as the crowd, who were gathered in the aisle, clapped and wooed.
Photo: Madison Rogers/WBZ NewsRadio
“It was more than I anticipated. More than I expected," Christina said.
She explained that cancer made providing for her family much more difficult. “We basically cut the income in our family in half.”
So, a year of free groceries “is huge. We’re a big family.”
Photo: Madison Rogers/WBZ NewsRadio
Christina also received a year of free water from Poland Spring. Both companies presented $25,000 checks to the Joe Andruzzi Foundation, a charity founded by the former New England Patriots player to provide financial assistance to cancer patients and their families.
Andruzzi was at the Stop & Shop to receive the donations.
He said he hopes the money will help to “spread those smiles… [for] cancer patients and families because it’s not only the patient. It becomes a family ordeal.”
He added, “As a family, you get told that ‘c’ word, and it turns your life upside down."
Photo: Madison Rogers/WBZ NewsRadio
Christina expressed how incredible it is to not have to worry about food. “We can have our meals, and all through the summer we can have our cookouts and make memories before my oldest daughter leaves for college.”
WBZ NewsRadio's Madison Rogers (@MadisonWBZ) reports.
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