Avoid The Rats, Watertown Officials Say Ditch The Pumpkins This Halloween

Photo: WBZ NewsRadio/James Rojas

WATERTOWN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — October is officially here, and pumpkins on porches are a big concern in Watertown as the city works to combat a rodent problem.

City officials are concerned the holiday decorations may attract pesky rodents, including rats. Residents in Watertown are encouraged to ditch the real pumpkins and go with plastic ones, this year.

"Once a rat finds somewhere to feed, it will come and check up on you again," said Jessica Herwick, director of education at the Waltham Fields Community Farm.

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She offered some advice for Watertown residents that want to decorate. "Put them out on your porch or a table nice and high up on your porch through the daytime and when the sun goes down...bring your pumpkins in," said Herwick.

She added, at night rats come out and some of them can carry disease.

If you do keep your pumpkins out overnight, Herwick says rubbing chili flakes on the fruit may deter rodents, or even bitter apple spray.

WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasWBZ) Reports:

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