Photo: Jim MacKay/WBZ NewsRadio
MILTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A brush fire in the Blue Hills Reservation burned through a wide swath of woods on Sunday, tying up local fire companies for most of the afternoon.
The Milton Fire Department said the fire was first reported on the back side of Chickatawbut Hill at about 1:20 PM, in a ravine that runs parallel to Chickatawbut Road. The fire burned behind the Norman Smith Environmental Education Center at the top of the hill.
Milton Deputy Fire Chief Jeff Murphy said responding crews had to fight to keep the fire away from the school building when the wind shifted partway through the day.
Murphy said that the fire "doesn't compare to out west by any stretch, but for this area it definitely requires a lot of resources."
Crews from all around the area responded to help, including Canton, Randolph, Braintree, Stoughton and Sharon.
The fire was finally contained just before 8:30 PM.
WBZ's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) has more:
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