Boch Center Opens Their Doors To BPS Students In New Program

Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A program that allows Boston Public Schools students and their families to access museums free of charge is expanding to include more cultural institutions. 

The Boston Family Days program is a public-private partnership between the City of Boston, corporate and philanthropic partners. It was launched at the end of 2024. 

The announcement for the expansion to include Boston’s revolutionary sites and performing arts institutions was made during Mayor Wu’s State of the City Address. 

“As for the arts, last year, 50,000 students and family members visited one of Boston’s museums for free—thousands for the very first time—through our Boston Family Days program,” Wu said during her speech. “Thank you to our amazing partners for making this possible!”

Families will soon be able to enjoy performances at seven of Boston’s leading performing arts organizations, including ArtsEmerson, The Boston Ballet, The Huntington Theatre, the Boston Lyric Opera, and The Boch Center. 

Boch Center President and CEO Casey Soward said he is thrilled to welcome the younger generation into such a historic place.

“If you look at organizations that are listed, you really see pretty much every discipline of the arts represented in that area,” said Soward. 

Beginning April 2025, the Boch Center will provide up to 100 tickets to Boston families, free of charge, to 3-5 shows per year. Tickets and registration will be done through a city website. 

“We kind of decided that this would be a great time to begin to try a pilot program to bring this to fruition," added Soward. "We’re thrilled to be able to do it.” 

Other institutions comprised in the program include The Paul Revere House, The U.S.S. Constitution, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.

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