Cody Eakin, then of the Las Vegas Golden Knights, sporting a distinctive mullet haircut. Photo: Getty Images
WESTWOOD (WBZ NewsRadio) — Local barbershops and salons say a hairstyle synonymous with the 1980's is roaring back to the fore. The "mullet," with long locks in the back and short on the front and sides, is also known as the "business in the front, party in the back" look.
Jessica Banks, master stylist at 18|8 Fine Men's Salons in Westwood, says it's mostly younger clients requesting the hairdo.
There have been a lot of them.
"I see an average of 10 new clients a week, and maybe five of those want mullets," she said. "I'm seeing even some of our newer clients...are seeing more than that."
Overall, Banks said about 20 new clients come to the salon every week requesting a mullet. She says there's a number of celebrities and sports players with the cut, especially hockey players.
Over at Angelo's Barbershop in Newton, owner Frank Ferrera says he tries to dissuade his customers from getting the cut.
"I try to tell some of the kids it's not a good idea...but they like it," he said. One of his customers, Michael DeNitto, was getting a more traditional haircut when he spoke to WBZ NewsRadio.
"I don't know why I got rid of the going back for me, but I think it's great for the young kids," he said.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports:
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