Photo: Jay Willett/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Over the weekend, the Massachusetts College of Art and Design celebrated its 150th anniversary in a unique way.
Students and alumni with help from the public used 3000-degree molten iron to illuminate and sculpt the names of graduates who have come through the school’s programs.
A memorial wall was constructed that the school said pays tribute to its students and faculty past and present ‘linking the generations to each other.’
The performance event was held Sunday on the Rose Kennedy Greenway across from South Station.
Marjee Levine is a Fine Art and Sculpture Educator at the school.
She said members of the public were invited to cast their own designs. “This anniversary event is all about bringing metal casting out of the foundry and the university and out to the public showing how anyone can be involved in the process.”
WBZ’s Jay Willet (@JayWillettWBZ) reports.
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