Photo: Drew Moholland/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — After much anticipation, Boston’s signature three-day music festival Boston Calling, is set to kick off on Friday at the Harvard Athletic Complex. The festival brings chart topping artists such as The Killers and Ed Sheeran who are scheduled to headline the event.
The grounds are ready to go for the festival with the vendors now set up and the crew too. WBZ NewsRadio spoke with Peter Boyd, the Director of Marketing and Talent for Crash Line Productions, the team that puts on the festival annually. When asked how he is feeling heading into the weekend, it seems to be mixed.
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“It’s sort of like, you’re just nervous. We spend all year working on this and there’s a reason for that and it’s that we want a safe environment for everybody to enjoy themselves once they get on site,” he said.
WBZ NewsRadio also spoke to members of the crew, who have also been working tirelessly to ensure that the event is free of technical difficulties and that everything runs smoothly.
“Boston always brings incredible people to bear to ensure that this festival is successful. We probably have around 110 people on this stage over the weekend,” said a leading member of the production team.
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Things get in full swing around 1:45 p.m. Friday afternoon with the band Divine Sweaters starting things off. Other headliners for the festival include Leon Bridges, Tyler Chiders, Trey Anastasio of Phish, and Hozier closing things out on Sunday.
It’s also going to be hot out there, with temperatures soaring into the mid-eighties.
WBZ NewsRadio’s Drew Moholland (@DrewWBZ) reports.
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