Photo: Mike Macklin/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Thousands attended the City of Boston's official Independence Day ceremony and parade Thursday morning.
The ceremony started at City Hall Plaza with the national anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by remarks from Mayor Michelle Wu.
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"We’re here today, together, to not only celebrate all that our founders did to bring this nation into being, but to recommit ourselves to the work of freedom—to tend to, and defend, the liberties that we hold dear.
"True democracy—a better government of the people, by the people, for the people—is an ongoing project that takes every one of us," Wu said.
1 of 2 Photo: Mike Macklin/WBZ NewsRadio
2 of 2 Photo: Mike Macklin/WBZ NewsRadio
The parade route traveled from City Hall Plaza to the Granary Burial Ground for a wreath laying ceremony, then to the Old State House for a reading of the Declaration of Independence.
Julie, who is visiting from Oregon, told WBZ NewsRadio being in Boston on the Fourth of July is special.
"It’s much more patriotic than our hometown, much more," Julie said. "And to have the living history here, it’s incredible."
Also in attendance was Gabriel, who just moved to Boston from Brazil. He showed his pride by wearing an American flag shirt and waving a small flag.
"I think [the United States is] a country that prides itself on the ideas of freedom and its independence," Gabriel said. "I think people are happy when this date comes and I’m also happy to be a part of it."
WBZ's Suzanne Sausville (@WBZSausville) reports.
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