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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Greater Boston Area community leaders, church pastors, and law enforcement encouraged beachgoers to "keep the peace" during a conference right on the sands of Carson Beach on Sunday.
For the past two weekends, several regional beaches have seen multiple fights and dozens of arrests. Some locals attributed the rowdy behavior to the sudden shift in the weather, but noted that Memorial Day Weekend had been relatively quiet. Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden attended the conference, saying he hopes that trend will continue.
"I hope that everyone will enjoy it safely and in good spirit," Hayden said.
Officials say the majority of recent arrests involved juveniles, people that Hayden says he doesn't think are coming to Carson Beach intending to start trouble.
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"These are good, young people, that I think are just looking for opportunities to gather," Hayden said.
WBZ's Shari Small (@ShariSmallNews) reports.
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