Photo: Chris Fama / WBZ
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) – The City of Boston unveiled new bilingual street signs in Chinatown on Wednesday.
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu gave remarks under the Chinatown Gate alongside other local leaders. Wu said the navy blue signs, with white Chinese characters, set a certain precedent for how people should be recognized and embraced across the city.
“This will set the example for how we should be truly celebrating: lifting up our cultural heritage across each and every one of our neighborhoods here."
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State Representative Aaron Michlewitz applauded the move, saying the signs reflect a deeply-rooted philosophy.
“What has built the city to what it is, and how great it is, [is] because of the immigrant population that has made our city so great,” he said. “Today is a small step with these signs but it says a large piece about what our city represents and who we are.”
The signs can be found on street poles on Beach, Tyler, Harrison and Kneeland.
WBZ’s Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) was there:
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