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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — It's no secret that parking in Boston can be a pain, especially with the number of people that double park or park illegally. With all these illegal parkers around the city, would you consider snitching on them for a cut of the ticket? Well, that's what one major city is looking to do.
A city councilor in New York City introduced a new bill that would reward people for reporting people parked illegally. The bill would allow people to submit a photo or video of an offending car to the city in exchange for 25 percent of the ticket revenue if the person is fined. The list of possible offenses includes blocking bike lanes, bus lanes, crosswalks, sidewalks, and fire hydrants.
WBZ's James Rojas went to Southie to find out if people like the idea of getting a cut of a ticker for snitching on their fellow drivers, and it turns out, the idea wasn't very popular.
"Probably not," one person said. "Most of my friends live around here so I don't want to sell them out."
Some of the people who oppose the idea admitted they were guilty of some of these parking offenses.
"I've probably parked illegally or badly once or twice," one person said. "I would probably not want to get snitched on nor get any of the benefits of someone else getting a ticket."
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But that doesn't mean everyone isn't on board with the idea.
"If I get a cut of it I would, sign me up," one person said.
The bill is being considered by New York City's Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. So far, no similar bill has been brought forward in Boston.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports.
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