Photo: Jay Willett/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Troops from the Boys and Girls Scouts learned the ropes from sailors at the U.S.S. Constitution Museum on Sunday morning.
The Boys and Girls Scouts from Natick, Mass. boarded “Old Ironsides” for Scout Day. Chris Kauffman with the U.S.S. Constitution Museum helped to facilitate the event.
“We’ve partnered with the ship itself. We have some sailors over onboard the ship leading knot tying, learning how to fold a flag, so it’s a really fun day and we’re excited to have all the scouts here,” said Kauffman.
The Scouts also got to participate in a mock Battle of 1812. They lined up together, pulling back a rope that aimed an authentic 1812 cannon before firing.
“Even with all of us doing it and other people, it was really heavy,” said one of the Scouts.
The children got the opportunity to write letters of encouragement addressed to a Navy recruit just starting out in boot camp. They also received an “Old Ironsides” badge for their hard work.
WBZ's Jay Willett (@JayWillettWBZ) reports.
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