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BRAINTREE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A hazmat situation at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates left several people hospitalized and the building evacuated Wednesday.
Fire officials said a bottle of phenol, a chemical used for surgical injection, spilled at the building on Grossman Drive in Braintree. Several people, including a responding firefighter, reported feeling sick.
Seven were transported to hospitals with minor injuries, including elevated blood pressure and breathing issues. Braintree Fire Lt. Fred Viola said they evacuated the whole building.
"We triaged 21 people, including a firefighter," he said. "Seven were transported, not the firefighter. All of them were employees of the building."
Everyone is expected to be fine.
A medical assistant named Jenna told WBZ NewsRadio's Suzanne Sausville at the scene that the spill happened next to her desk.
"It was giving people headaches, so they thought it was best just to get everyone out, make sure everyone was okay," she said.
The Board of Health will decide when the building can reopen.
WBZ NewsRadio's Suzanne Sausville (@wbzSausville) reports
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