Brockton Heel-A-Thon Walks A Mile For Domestic Violence Awareness

Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio

BROCKTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Dozens of people, many in high heels, walked a mile down Oak Street in Brockton to raise awareness for domestic violence Saturday.

The Heel-a-Thon for Domestic Violence Awareness is an annual event for the Love Life Now Foundation, which offers support for DV survivors and assistance for DV shelter programs.

Lovern Gordon, LLN's founder and president and a domestic violence survivor herself, explained to WBZ NewsRadio the meaning behind the high heels walk.

"A walk in heels gives folks pause. Well, why? Well, the mile we’re walking in heels for this heel-a-thon, and the pain that you feel from walking in heels, is nothing compared to the pain that victims and survivors feel," Gordon said.

Gordon said seeing the cars slow down as they pass by the walkers brings her to tears.

"Because a survivor could be driving by, and they can see that other people, they’re not alone," Gordon said.

One of Saturday's walkers was Rob Demeo, whose mother was murdered by her boyfriend in 2018. Wearing a pair of black high heels over his shoulder, Demeo said it's important for people to speak up if they think a loved one is in a domestic violence situation.

"If you see something, you need to say something," Demeo said. "There was a lot of things that were seen that were never talked about with my mom and her boyfriend in their relationship that could have saved my mother’s life."

Demeo also stressed the importance of support systems when a survivor tries to leave.

"A safety plan and support is absolutely needed when that time comes and when you have the courage and strength to do that, and there are programs and foundations like Love Life Now Foundation that can help with that," Demeo said.

Demeo now walks in the Heel-a-Thon every year.

"It’s just a great outlet to be able to be my mother’s voice, tell her story, and continue on with my sobriety, my recovery, and making her proud of the man that she raised me to be," Demeo said.

WBZ's Suzanne Sausville (@WBZSausville) reports.

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