Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio
BROCKTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Jaziah Wilson and Jonathan Robalo are not only eighth graders at North Middle School in Brockton; they're also a pair of entrepreneurs.
The two students started their own clothing line, The 222 Apparel, selling shirts, hoodies, sweat suits, and more.
"We wanted to do this to be different than everybody else, ‘cause, like, in Brockton there’s a lot of violence going on with young kids, and we try to be different," Robalo told WBZ NewsRadio. "222 is a brand that we created in trying to spread a message out."
That message is one of balance and love, the pair said. So far, it has gotten heaps of support from fellow students and school faculty.
1 of 2 Jaziah Wilson (left) and Jonathan Robalo (right)Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio
2 of 2 Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio
"I was shocked," principal Alison Ramsay said when she discovered who was behind the 222 brand that was popping up around the school. "And I was totally impressed with the professionalism of their website, their shipping, everything, it’s so professional."
With their business up and running, Robalo and Wilson have big dreams for the future.
"When we started, we thought it was easy, but it wasn’t. We had to put, like, a lot of money, a lot of stuff into it. 2024, we’re gonna make it big," Wilson said. "I want a famous person to wear us, and open a store too, have everybody come in and check us out."
WBZ's Suzanne Sausville (@WBZSausville) reports.
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