WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas sits on the new bench at the Mt. Auburn MBTA bus stop in Cambridge soon to be reinstalled facing the street.Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) —The good news: riders of the MBTA's #71 and #73 buses finally have a bench to sit on while waiting at the bus stop on Mt. Auburn Street.
The bad news?
The bench was installed backward by mistake.
And despite some people who have been enjoying the existential, thought-provoking perspective and discussion the 'backward' bench has been providing, city officials said when a bus pulls into the stop, the way the bench is located creates a potential safety hazard for people getting on and off the bus.
"In addition to being backward, it's right up against the pole, so when the bus pulls in, you have to make sure there's enough room between the bench and the pole," Cambridge spokesperson Jeremy Warnick said. "There's a couple of different things that present problems for this bench, so that's why it has to be re-installed."
That's disappointing news to some including Dave, who questions if a bench is ever really 'backward.' "I'm in favor of irregularities and asymmetries of life. Having these sorts of things jolts you out of your complacency."
WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.
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