Photo: Getty Images
CAMBRIDGE, Mass (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Broad Institute of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard first opened a gallery that commemorates the American lives lost to COVID-19 back in September, and reached the finals days before it closes on Friday.
According to the Broad Institute's website, the exhibit called "Remembering Together: Marking Lives COVID-19 at the Broad" was designed to be collaborative, meaningful, and online. It was a community art project to commemorate those who have died during the pandemic.
The idea was conceived by the Concord-based artist Elizabeth Awalt, that artists made at least 1,000 "marks" on any surface in any medium, then post a public photo of the work with the hashtag "#markinglivescovid19."
Awalt said on the project, "when the numbers of COVID-19 deaths skyrocketed in December 2020, I was struggling to justify my painting practice amid the raging virus, divisive politics, and racial injustice in our country. This idea was clear and simple: make a painting with one thousand separate marks, where each mark represents and honors a life lost to COVID-19.”
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Appointments for viewing Marking Lives COVID-19 can be made online.
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