Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — While leaves may be starting to change with the arrival of the new season, a lack of rainfall in recent weeks has left many trees in need of water ahead of the first frost.
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WBZ NewsRadio spoke to City of Cambridge Arborist and Tree Warden David Lefcourt. He demonstrated how to fill irrigation bags with water, which then drips into the soil.
The process is labor intensive and Lefcourt said that the city is struggling to keep up with the demand, which is why they are asking those who live and work in the city for help.
“We do have the opportunity for folks to become a forest friend, they can come by the DPW and grab irrigation bags to put around their trees [and] yard,” Lefcourt said.
Also, Lefcourt said that keeping a close eye on trees around the city that look like they may need some attention is helpful.
The City of Cambridge cares for over 22,000 trees.
Residents who are interested in becoming a forest friend can learn more about volunteering here.
WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.
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